A phone app to connect dog owners and their pups together.

MinGO is a an interactive phone application with User Experience design that connects local dog owners, who live in the busy urban area, and gets them together to communicate and socialize their pups through a community platform.

The Process began with an idea iteration, where me and the team had a struggle of which audience to target and how to engage owners and their pups. Our initial ideas included applications for dog hotel, dog sitters, but finally all together we came up with an idea to create an application that would connect owners with their dogs in busy urban areas with others, who are interested in socialising their dogs. With the help of existing application design program such as Adobe XD, we created a responsive, animated, and outstanding interface that could be used on any phone.

Blog Single
A screenshot of some of the main features of MinGo App: friend finder on the left, profile of a pup in the middle, calendar on the right.

The Goal

As a team, we spent hours on developing the right graphics, trying out different features, and testing out the results. On the image below, one of the first iterations is coupled with our final design decision, and it is clear that the overall look has transformed to a big extent during the design process.

The Production Stage

As a result, we created an application simple but engaging enough, with icons of our own production. Such features as Discovery (left), and Profile (right) are presented in the images below with a deeper representation. This was a great project to work on; it enhanced my graphic skills and gave me an opportunity to improve my UX/UI design experience.

Screenshot showing the map feature
Screenshot showing the profile feature

The Follow-Ups

A nice presentation is the final but not the least important stage of the UX/UI designer's work. With the help of Figma design tool, our team member Sunny have put together all the nessessary functionalities of the MinGo and made videos. These videos are showcasing the result.